Video Recording #73: Sep 21, 2021 - LOW KEY
For this assignment/session, we will put an emphasis on Exaggerating the dark tones.
Know what it is you want to show, then downplay (a lot!) everything else. You can either capture it low-key in-camera, or better yet, get a properly exposed image and then in post, decide what and where to dodge and burn.
Black & White OR Colour, everything goes!
For this assignment/session, we will put an emphasis on Exaggerating the dark tones.
Know what it is you want to show, then downplay (a lot!) everything else. You can either capture it low-key in-camera, or better yet, get a properly exposed image and then in post, decide what and where to dodge and burn.
Black & White OR Colour, everything goes!
For this assignment/session, we will put an emphasis on Exaggerating the dark tones.
Know what it is you want to show, then downplay (a lot!) everything else. You can either capture it low-key in-camera, or better yet, get a properly exposed image and then in post, decide what and where to dodge and burn.
Black & White OR Colour, everything goes!