Video Recording #54: May 4, 2021 - LONG EXPOSURE COMPOSITES
Bridging the two worlds of Long Exposure and Still Photography. Creating a composite image that includes a LE and still image that would otherwise NOT have been able to be captured in-camera. Of course, I hope that it goes without saying, that the still image needs to complement the LE to tell a story. Let’s Talk-&-Learn how to best capture Long Exposure Composites!
Bridging the two worlds of Long Exposure and Still Photography. Creating a composite image that includes a LE and still image that would otherwise NOT have been able to be captured in-camera. Of course, I hope that it goes without saying, that the still image needs to complement the LE to tell a story. Let’s Talk-&-Learn how to best capture Long Exposure Composites!
Bridging the two worlds of Long Exposure and Still Photography. Creating a composite image that includes a LE and still image that would otherwise NOT have been able to be captured in-camera. Of course, I hope that it goes without saying, that the still image needs to complement the LE to tell a story. Let’s Talk-&-Learn how to best capture Long Exposure Composites!