Video Recording #37: Jan 05, 2021 - Long Exposure
Delving deeper into Long Exposure frequently asked questions. Understanding the difference between a slow shutter capture to a LE image. How to use filters, filter magnets and awesome tips on reducing long exposure noise in your images. Additionally, I explained the principles of creating a composite to combine a long exposure with a still shot.
Delving deeper into Long Exposure frequently asked questions. Understanding the difference between a slow shutter capture to a LE image. How to use filters, filter magnets and awesome tips on reducing long exposure noise in your images. Additionally, I explained the principles of creating a composite to combine a long exposure with a still shot.
Delving deeper into Long Exposure frequently asked questions. Understanding the difference between a slow shutter capture to a LE image. How to use filters, filter magnets and awesome tips on reducing long exposure noise in your images. Additionally, I explained the principles of creating a composite to combine a long exposure with a still shot.