64 SHOP TALK - November 21, 2023
Today we talked a lot about Vector Masks, so if you are looking for a refresher, this is the episode for you!
PLUS, we also talked about:
1. Setting up your fixed Ratio Transformation
2. Understanding all the features within the Properties Panel.
3. The multiple ways to Feather a Selection.
4. How some Adjustment Layers interact with Vector Masks compared to others and a work-around.
Today we talked a lot about Vector Masks, so if you are looking for a refresher, this is the episode for you!
PLUS, we also talked about:
1. Setting up your fixed Ratio Transformation
2. Understanding all the features within the Properties Panel.
3. The multiple ways to Feather a Selection.
4. How some Adjustment Layers interact with Vector Masks compared to others and a work-around.
Today we talked a lot about Vector Masks, so if you are looking for a refresher, this is the episode for you!
PLUS, we also talked about:
1. Setting up your fixed Ratio Transformation
2. Understanding all the features within the Properties Panel.
3. The multiple ways to Feather a Selection.
4. How some Adjustment Layers interact with Vector Masks compared to others and a work-around.